E.I. Horsman Co., New York, NY


Eclipse Outfit No. 1


American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1888, ads p. 26
hors.jpg (76289 bytes)

Date Introduced: - ; Years Manufactured: c. 1888
Construction: fixed focus?; no swing; non-reversing, wooden box camera: solid sides and top
Sizes Offered: 3¼x4¼
Notes: This camera appears to be essentially a box camera.  It is included amongst the Horsman view cameras because it is named The Eclipse, as were all the Horsman cameras.  There is a 3¼x
4¼" view camera advertised as the Eclipse No. 2, and a 4¼x6½" view camera of the same design named Eclipse No. 3.  Since the Eclipse No. 2 has the same plate size as this camera, we can conclude that this solid-sided camera must be the Eclipse No. 1.

The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1888, C.W. Canfield, ed.; Scovill Mfg. Co. (New York, NY), copyright 1887, ads p. 26



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